Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Currently she is working as an Associate professor in Dept. of Urban and Economic Geography,Peking University, Beijing, China. TONG, Xin completed PhD in Economic geography, Peking University in 2003. She completed her Bachelor of Science, 1997 in same university.
Research Interest
3ith a backgro1nd of economic geography, or ind1strial geography more specifically,45m c1rrently interested in the spatial dimension of ind1strial ecology, both theoreticaland practical. 4 6orked on the E/tended Prod1cer 7esponsibility in e*6astemanagement in China, especially the response from the domestic ind1stry at this policy strategy at national, regional and local level for years, no6 e/tending theresearch interests to cover the relation bet6een the global environmental governanceand the technological change in developing co1ntries broadly. 4 also participate inseveral cons1ltancy proects, s1ch as regional ind1strial strategic planning or ind1strial park planning for local governments in Beiing, Sich1an, 8h1hai, 9ingbo,:oshan, Dongg1an, Shen;hen, etc..