Laboratoire Geomatériaux et Environnement, France
Arda received his B.Eng. degree in Environmental Engineering from Istanbul University, Turkey in 2009. He completed his M.Sc. studies in Sustianable Resource Management with merits in 2013 at Technical University of Munich, Germany in 2013. In his professional career, Arda has a number of cross sectoral experiences in various institutions including GFA Consulting Group (Hamburg, Germany), Rachel Carson Center (Munich, Germany), Athisa S.A. (Istanbul, Turkey / Granada, Spain) and Water and Sewage Administration (Istanbul, Turkey). As of October 2013, Arda carries out his reacrch project entitled ‘Urban (bio)mining: Recovery of metals from electronic waste’in a joint project organized between at the Pollution Prevention and Resource Recovery chair group of Environmental Engineering Water Technology department at UNESCO-IHE, the Netherlands and Laboratoire Geomatériaux et Environnement (LGE), University of Paris, France. His research interests include but not limited to environmental biotechnology, e-waste management, and sustainability
Abstract : Urban (bio)mining: Recovery of metals from electronic waste