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Alabadan B A

Alabadan B A

Federal University, Nigeria

Title: Production of bio-diesel from used groundnut oil from bosso market, Minna, Niger state, Nigeria


Biography: Alabadan B A


Biodiesel is a clean burning diesel fuel processed from natural and renewable biological sources such as waste cooking oil, rape seed, Jatropha seed, animals fats and refined bleached deodorized palm oil. The transesterification of used cooking oil with short-chain alcohols in the presence of base catalyst sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and methanol as solvent by means of single step batch transesterification process in order to obtain biodiesel fuel was studied using a reaction ratio of 6:1 for alcohol to oil ratio. The oil was heated in a water bath. The process variables that were investigated are catalyst concentration and reaction time. The variable that was fixed throughout the whole experiment was quantity of used vegetable oil, mixing degree of mechanical stirrer at 1300 rpm and alcohol to oil ratio. The oil was divided into three samples namely, 1, 2 and 3. The biodiesel yield for the samples are 58 ml, 79 ml and 70 ml respectively while the glycerine yield for the samples were 19 ml, 19 ml and 20 ml respectively. The reaction times for the three samples are 60, 90 and 120 minutes respectively. The best result for highest yield and highest purity is at 90 minutes reaction time and 1.5 g catalyst concentration. Sample 2 was found to have the highest cetane rating closer to the ASTM standard which implies that sample 2 will be a more efficient fuel than the other two samples, guarantee smooth running of the engine as well as burn cleaner

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