Enric Vazquez is Professor Emeritus in Construction Materials on the ETS Ingenieros de Caminos of the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. At present in Constructing Cycle SL. Research in eco-efficient materials and wastes for his use in construction, environmental impact by leaching, road pavements, durability of concrete and bituminous mixtures. 80 papers and books published from 1967 til today.This publications include the books Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment,Vol 8,RILEM STATE OF ART REPORTS “2013†y Guia Española de Ãridos Reciclados procedentes de RCD (2012),Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y GEAR. He has oriented 22 doctor thesis and 30 master th..Invited Plenary Speaker in Spain, Japan,France,Germany,Austria,Poland,Brasil,Italy,Portugal and China. Has been Chairman from the RILEM TC-217 y TC-198 URM.Member of WG of AENOR,AIPCR and CEN.In 2011 he received the Environment Award from the Catalan Government for his profesional career.